Group Members

Diego Valdés, Simona Martinková, Petr Košťál, Pavla Honcová, Jiří Málek, Jana Shánělová, Roman Svoboda, Jaroslav Barták, Michaela Včeláková (from the left to the right)

If you are interested in doing your Bachelor /Diploma/Ph.D. thesis in our research group please see us in our lab. We work on the 1st floor of the HC-F building (room number 01024, telephone +420 46 603 7346).

Jiří Málek (Head of the Group)

Jana Shánělová

Pavla Honcová

Roman Svoboda

Petr Košťál

Jaroslav Barták

Simona Martinková

Diego Valdés

Michaela Včeláková

External cooperation

Former Group Members

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