Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis
Lecturer: prof. Ing. Jiří Málek, DrSc., Ing. Roman Svoboda, Ph.D.
Course objectives
An overview of development of calorimetric and thermal analysis methods is given to focus the fundamental aspects of the subject and to show the link between experiments and theory. Practical application of most popular method is illustrated on examples from polymer chemistry, material science and biological sciences. The most important part of the course is dedicated to the theory and application of Differential Scanning Calorimetry, Thermomechanical Analysis and their modulated versions. The application of thermal analysis and calorimetry in the study of kinetic processes is thoroughly explained.
- History and development of calorimetric instruments. Basic classification of methods and their application
- Adiabatic and isoperibolic calorimeters
- Combustion and reaction calorimetry
- Heat lux calorimetry and microcalorimetry
- Diferential thermal analysis (DTA) and Diferential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
- Application of DSC in materials science
- Temperature modulated DSC
- Biokalorimetry and its application in biological sciences
- Thermogravimetry and Sample controlled thermal analysis
- Thermomechanical analysis and its application in materials engineering
- Dynamic termomechanical analysis of viskoelastic materials
- Kinetic analysis of thermoanalytical data
- Application of calorimetry and dilatometry and their application to study of undercooled liquids dynamics
- Recent developments in calorimetry and thermal analysis.