List of Theses and Dissertations

Bachelor Theses

Jakub Plachta2021Bc.Properties of selected suphates hydratesPavla Honcová
Petr Kovář2021Bc.Suppression of supercooling during accumulation of heat in selected nitrate hydratesPavla Honcová
David Vaculík2020Bc.Crystal growth kinetics in Ge25Se75 amorphous thin filmsJaroslav Barták
Magdaléna Casková2019Bc.Viscosity and crystal growth in thin films of Se95Te5Jaroslav Barták
Martina Skalická2019Bc.Special ceramics-production, application Pavla Honcová
Cornelia-Marifleur Louis-Lebvoua2019Bc.Bioactive ceramics and glasses Pavla Honcová
Jakub Kučera2018Bc.Selected areas of Czech inorganic industryPavla Honcová
Kateřina Bartošová2017Bc.Crystallization study in Ge-Sb-Se system using thermomechanical analysisJaroslav Barták
Alena Zachová2017Bc.Using of amorphous solid dispersion in pharmacy Jana Shánělová
Martin Matula2017 Bc. Simulation of crystallization behaviour of amorphous materials Jana Shánělová
Michaela Horová2016 Bc. Study of crystallization in thin layer of (GeS2)0,1(Sb2S3)0,9 by optical microscopy Jana Shánělová
Slavíková Eliška2015 Bc. Crystal growth of GeS2 in Ge-S melts Jana Shánělová
Diego Alejandro Valdés Mitchell2015 Bc. Cryopreservation of biological materials Jana Shánělová
Petra Pořízková2015Bc.Experimental methods for cryopreservation studyJana Shánělová
Ester Pelikánová2015Bc.Crystallization of uric acid in human bodyJana Shánělová
Miloslav Soukup2014Bc.Utilization of differential scanning calorimetry in food processingJiří Málek
Daniel Stříteský2014Bc. Simulations of relaxation processes in glassesJiří Málek
Simona Zapletalová2014Bc. Cryopreservation in medicineJana Shánělová
Gabriela Svobodová2014Bc. Effect of grain size on crystal growth in glassy As2Se3Jana Shánělová
Lukáš Binder2014Bc.Hydrates as energy storage materialsPavla Honcová
Jana Gregorová2013Bc.Using of calorimetry in pharmacokinetics studiesJana Shánělová
Stanislav Stehlík2013Bc.Chalcogenides for data storagePetr Košťál
Simona Martinková2012Bc.Crystallization of water in undercooled sugar solutionsJana Shánělová
Kateřina Mrlinová2011Bc.Determination of Combustion Heat of CoalJana Shánělová
Lucie Kissová2011Bc.Biomineralization and its application in nanotechnologyPavla Honcová
Ina Ragasová2010Bc.Cryogenic storage of biological materialsJana Shánělová
Leoš Balatka2010Bc.Study of physical properties of undercooled melts in Se-Te systemJana Shánělová
Jan Fuksa2009Bc.New trends in microcalorimetryPavla Honcová
Otta Štěrba2009Bc.Preparation and utilization of nanomaterialsPavla Honcová
Lukáš Hozák2008Bc.The kinetic analysis of DSC data made using different methodsPavla Honcová
Jan Vařečka2008Bc.Kinetic study of dehydratation of calcium oxalatePavla Honcová
Iva Voleská2007Bc.Relaxation Behavior of Amorphous Ge2Se98Jiří Málek
Jaroslav Barták2007Bc.Viskozity Behavior of Undercooled Melt Ge0.02 Se0.98Jana Shánělová

Diploma Theses

NameYear Degree Title Supervisor
Vanessa Vařeková2021MSc.Study of newberyite dissolution Pavla Honcová
Hana Flégrová2021MSc.Study of brushite formation Pavla Honcová
Martin Hlaváček2020MSc.Milling effect on phase changes of chalcogenide materials Pavla Honcová
Lenka Pulkrábková2020MSc.
Using of vacuum stability test to determine decomposition kinetics of energetic materials
Jana Shánělová
Jakub Ondráček2019MSc.Viscous behavior in Ge-Sb-S and Ge-Sb-Se undercooled metlsJana Shánělová
Lukáš Binder2017MSc.The heat storage ability of selected hydrates of inorganic saltsPavla Honcová
Jana Polehna2017MSc.Nucleation in (GeS2)0.9(Sb2S3)0.1 thin film Jana Shánělová
Diego Alejandro Valdés Mitchell2017MSc.Nucleation process in Se-Te undercooled meltJana Shánělová
Stanislav Stehlík2015MSc.The influence of sample preparation conditions on crystallization kinetics of Sb0.5Se99.5 glassesPavla Honcová
Daniela Brandová2014MSc.Study of crystallization kinetics of Ge1Sb2Se4 glassJiří Málek
Simona Martinková2014MSc.Crystal growth in undercooled melts of Se-Te systemJana Shánělová
Tomáš Hofírek2014MSc.Selected physical properties of pure and doped As2S3Petr Košťál
Ina Ragasová2012MSc.The crystallization in undercooled sucrose aqueous solutionJana Shánělová
Jan Vařečka2012MSc.Nucleation and crystallization of chalkogenide glassesPavla Honcová
Hana Víšková2012MSc.The application of microcalorimetry in the study of enzymatic reactionsPavla Honcová
Lukáš Hozák2010MSc.Study of phase transformations in amorphous Se70Te30Roman Svoboda
Petr Pilný2010MSc.Crystallization study of chalcogenide glassesPetr Košťál
Radim Pilař2010MSc.Study of magnesium chloride hexahydrate with regard to its utilization for thermal energy storagePavla Honcová
Jaroslav Barták2009MSc.The study of the crystallization in Ge-Sb-S system using the TMAJana Shánělová
Oldřich Tichý2009MSc.Hydroxyapatite – preparation and characterizationPavla Honcová
Monika Kolářová2008MSc.Enthalpy relaxation study of non-crystalline materialsJiří Málek
Alena Navrátilová2007MSc.The study of glass crystallization with the use of TMAPavla Honcová
Zuzana Zmrhalová2006MSc.The study of crystallization kinetics of (GeS2)0.1(Sb2S3)0.9 glassPavla Honcová
Roman Svoboda2004MSc.Relaxation behavior of amorphous seleniumJiří Málek
Zuzana Košáková2003MSc.Kinetic study of crystallization of Ge-In-SJiří Málek
Petr Košťál2003MSc.The study of viscous behavior of undercooled meltsJiří Málek
Daniel Švadlák2002MSc.Kinetic study of crystallization of amorphous TiO2Jana Shánělová
Pavla Pustková2000MSc.Kinetic study of crystallization proces of amorphous ZrO2Jiří Málek


NameYear Degree Title Supervisor
Daniela Brandová2019Ph.D.Crystallization behavior of far-infrared chalcogenide glassesJiří Málek
Simona Martinková2018Ph.D.Nucleation and crystal growth in chalcogenide amorphous materialsJiří Málek
Radim Pilař2017Ph.D.Determination of heat capacity of selected chalcogenide materialsLadislav Svoboda
Jaroslav Barták2014Ph.D.Crystallization kinetics in undercooled chalcogenide systemsJiří Málek
Zuzana Olmrová Zmrhalová2011Ph.D.Crystallization processes in undercooled glass-forming liquidsJiří Málek
Petr Košťál2009Ph.D.Viscosity of chalcogenide glass-forming systemsJiří Málek
Daniel Švadlák2008Ph.D.Kinetic study of crystallization of non-crystalline systemsJiří Málek
Roman Svoboda2008Ph.D.Structural relaxation of non-crystalline materials in the glass transition rangeJiří Málek
Pavla Pustková2004Ph.D.The study of structural relaxation of chalcogenide glassesJiří Málek
Jana Shánělová2001Ph.D.Viscosity behaviour of undercooled chalkogenide meltsJiří Málek
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