Přeskočit na obsah
- R. Svoboda, J. Málek, Extended study of crystallization kinetics for Se-Te glasses, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 111 (2013) 161-171
- R. Svoboda, J. Málek, Structural relaxation in Se-rich As-Se glasses, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 363 (2013) 89 – 95
- Q.-L. Yan, S. Zeman, J. Šelešovský, R. Svoboda, A. Elbeih, Thermal behavior and decomposition kinetics of Formex-bonded explosives containing different cyclic nitramines, J. Therm. Anal. Cal. 111 (2013) 1419 – 1430
- R. Svoboda, J. Málek, Applicability of Fraser-Suzuki function in kinetic analysis of complex processes, J. Therm. Anal. Cal. 111 (2013) 1045 – 1056
- R. Svoboda, J. Málek, Glass transition in polymers: (in)correct determination of activation energy, Polymer 54 (2013) 1504 – 1511
- R. Svoboda, Relaxation processes in Se-rich chalcogenide glasses: Effect of characteristic structural entities, Acta Materialia 61 (2013) 4534 – 4541
- Q.-L. Yan, M. Künzel, S. Zeman, R. Svoboda, M. Bartošková, The effect of molecular structure on thermal stability, decompositionkinetics and reaction models of nitric esters, Thermochim. Acta 566 (2013) 137– 148
- Q.-L. Yan, S. Zeman, A. Elbeih, Z.-W. Song, J. Málek, The effect of crystal structure on the thermal reactivity of CL-20 and its C4 bonded explosives (I): thermodynamic properties and decomposition kinetics, J. Therm. Anal. Cal. 112 (2013) 823–836
- Q.-L. Yan, S. Zeman, R. Svoboda, A. Elbeih, J. Málek, The effect of crystal structure on the thermal reactivity of CL-20 and its C4-bonded explosives. Part II. Models for overlapped reactions and thermal stability, J. Therm. Anal. Cal. 112 (2013) 837 – 849
- R. Svoboda, J. Málek, Enthalpy relaxation in Ge-Se glassy system, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 113 (2013) 831 – 842
- R. Svoboda, J. Málek, Description of enthalpy relaxation dynamics in terms of TNM model, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 378 (2013) 186–195
- J. Málek, N. Koga, L. A. Peréz-Maqueda, J. M. Criado, The Ozawa´s Generalized Time Concept and YZ- Master Plots: Conventient Tool for Kinetic Analysis of Complex Processes, J. Therm. Anal. Cal. 113 (2013) 1437 – 1446
- S. K. Pillai, V. Podzemná, J. Barták, J. Málek, Nucleation and growth in amorphous (GeS2)0.9(Sb2S3)0.1 thin films, J. Cryst. Growth 382 (2013) 87 – 93
- R. Svoboda, P. Čičmanec, J. Málek, Kissinger equation versus glass transition phenomenology, J. Therm. Anal. Cal. 114 (2013) 285 – 293
- G. Sádovská, P. Honcová, Z. Sádovský, Kinetics and enthalpy of crystallization of uric acid dehydrate, Thermochim. Acta 566 (2013) 211 – 213
- R. Svoboda, J. Málek, Crystallization kinetics of a-Se, part 1: Interpretation of kinetic functions, J. Therm. Anal. Cal. 114 (2013) 473 – 482
- J. Chovanec, M. Chromčíková, P. Pilný, J. Shánělová, J. Málek, M. Liška, As2Se3 melt crystallization studied by quadratic approximation of nucleation and growth rate temperature dependence, J. Therm. Anal. Cal. 114 (2013) 971 – 977
- R. Pilař, P. Honcová, P. Košťál, L. Svoboda, Optimization of heat capacity measurements using DSC, Sci. Papers Univ. Pardubice A 19 (2013) 87 – 98
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